Despite its numerous DLC, Resident Evil 7 eschewed a multiplayer component, but it looks like Resident Evil 8 – which brings the former’s style and gameplay to a more open location – might be bringing it back. Games as far back as Resident Evil Outbreak have featured multiplayer in some form, ranging from the divisive Resident Evil: Resistance to Resident Evil 6’s take on Mercenaries mode, which was arguably better than the game itself.
Now, Resident Evil is no stranger to Multiplayer. Skill Point Farming - Resident Evil 6 Mad Skillz/B.O.W.s Are Ugly Achievement/Trophy Guide - YouTube Mercenaries - If you plan on playing alot of Mercenaries and getting good at it, this is an. This year will bring a new movie that may make up for how bad the previous one was, a new game that looks to be fantastic, and tomorrow’s showcase will hopefully show off some new footage from both, as well as give us some insight on what else Capcom have Hubbling, Bubbling, Toiling and Troubling in their cauldron, and one thing that might be announced – at least, if Steam now listing the game as being multiplayer is to believed – is a multiplayer mode for Resident Evil: Village. January 21 brings the Resident Evil Showcase, and we couldn’t be happier.